If you subscribe to my blog, you know I love cargo containers! Another thing I love equally as much is is cost effective and efficient ways to improve them.
If you have ever been inside of a container during the summer months (especially in Phoenix, AZ) you know that they can get incredibly hot. When I found this video on YouTube by OffGridHawaii (roughly a four minute video) , I was impressed.
In the video they use a simple but effective technique to reduce the inside heat of their cargo container. They simply painted the top of the container with a reflective white paint which in essence reflected the sun rays and reduced the inside temperature of the container. In theory this make sense and based on what I can see in the video it passed the test of practicality as well.
If you are looking for cost effective ways to cool of your container this may provide you with an affordable solution (seems much cheaper then adding an a/c unit or swamp cooler).
Steps in the video to cool off your cargo container
1) Clean the top of the container (pressure wash, sand or scrape off rust etc...)
2) Primer the top of the container
3) Paint the top with reflective white paint
4) Enjoy a cooler cargo container :)